In November 2015 the first alpha version of 3.0.0 has been released, the first final release followed in December 2016. Here is a quick overview over the features and changes made in the last time to release this major revision.
Tobago 3.0.0 contains several entries in Jira. and most of them are exclusive in this version.
Please take also a look at the Migration from Tobago 2.0 to 3.0 guide.
Until Tobago 2.0 the layout was computed on the server, to make advanced features available for comfortable web application.
With CSS3 and HTML5 it is possible these days, to make advanced layout managers implemented in the browser.
The base theme that comes with Tobago changes from plain CSS to Twitters Bootstrap. So your applications have the advantage of modern HTML5 web applications with less coding.
There is a new collapsible concept for <tc:box>, <tc:section>, <tc:panel> and <tc:popup> where the collapse state can be switched via an <tc:operation>.