You have to define a new name for the theme in the META-INF/tobago-config.xml.
Choose a fallback theme in the tobago-config.xml.
Put the modified resources under the resource-path + theme-name.
An example for this is the charlotteville theme. (TODO more details resource handling)
Example layout of a theme jar:
/META-INF/tobago-config.xml (resource-path/html/theme-name)
/org/apache/myfaces/tobago/renderkit/html/xxxxx/standard/style/tobago.css (standard styles)
/org/apache/myfaces/tobago/renderkit/html/xxxxx/standard/style/tobago-menu.css (menu styles)
/org/apache/myfaces/tobago/renderkit/html/xxxxx/standard/style/tobago-sheet.css (sheet styles)
/org/apache/myfaces/tobago/renderkit/html/xxxxx/msie/style/tobago.css (different styles for msie)
Property and resource loading and renderer loading is done in the following order
resource-path/content-type/theme/client/[tag(for renderer)|property|style|script|image]_locale.(class|property|property.xml|css|js|gif|png...]
for example OutRenderer
OutRenderer is getRendererType() + "Renderer"
The locale handling is handled like the Properties Class.
You have not define everything because the ResourceManager is asking the fallback theme for missing resources
The fallback theme of charlotteville is speyside.
The fallback theme of speyside is scarborough.
The fallback theme of scarborough is standard
The resource manager looks in the case of the charlotteville theme in
charlotteville -> speyside -> scarborough -> standard
Please look at