The <tc:progress/> tag create a progressbar. The most important attribute is value. It could be a double - in that case, you need the attribute max as well. Or it is of type BoundedRangeModel.
Tag Library Documentation: <tc:progress/> | BoundedRangeModel
A static progressbar, with value of type double.
<tc:progress value="15.8" max="20"/>
A static progressbar containing a <tc:style width="50%" height="2px"/> tag.
<tc:style width="50%" height="2px"/>
By pressing the button, progress is added to the progressbar.
<tc:button label="Add Progress" action="#{progressController.addProgress}"/> <tc:progress value="#{progressController.progress}"/>
In this example, the current time is displayed as progressbars.
<tc:progress value="#{progressController.currentHours}" max="23"/>
Warning! The reload feature is preliminary and may be subject of change in later versions!