The <tc:selectOneListbox/> create a list of entries, where only one entry can be selected. Items can be added with <tc:selectItem/> or <tc:selectItems/>.
Tag Library Documentation: <tc:selectOneListbox/> | <tc:selectItem/> | <tc:selectItems/>
If the number of rows is not set, die height of the list depends on the number of entries. The number of rows can be set by the size attribute. A list has at least two rows, therefor values less than two have no effect.
Select a river in the list. After pressing the submit-button, the length of the river is shown in the output field.
Items are added with <tc:selectItem itemLabel="Nile" itemValue="6853 km"/>.
<tc:selectItem itemLabel="Nile" itemValue="6853 km"/>
Select a mountain in the list. The height will be displayed by <tc:out id="selectedMountain" .../>. The <tc:selectOneListbox/> contain a <f:ajax render="selectedMountain"/>, which rerender the output field.
<tc:out id="selectedMountain" .../>
<f:ajax render="selectedMountain"/>