Tobago Demo



An extended tooltip can be created with <tc:popover/>.

Tag Library Documentation: <tc:popover/>

Basic example

Put a popover in a popover facet of a button.

<tc:button label="Simple Popover" omit="true"> <f:facet name="popover"> <tc:popover label="Popover title" value="Popover content"/> </f:facet> </tc:button>

Custom CSS class

To assign a CSS class on the popover window use the <tc:style customClass="..."/> attribute.

In the following example, the width is changed to 600px using a CSS class. By default the width of a popover window is 276px;. It can be changed with $popover-max-width (SCSS variable when compiling a theme) or --bs-popover-max-width (CSS). See: Bootstrap Popover CSS

<tc:button label="Popover with a width of 600px" omit="true"> <f:facet name="popover"> <tc:popover label="Lorem Ipsum" value="#{popoverController.loremIpsum}"> <tc:style customClass="popover-600"/> </tc:popover> </f:facet> </tc:button>

Escape and sanitize

HTML/XML code will be escaped by default.

You can turn it off with the escape attribute.

Although the HTML code is not escaped, the text is not colored because the code is sanitzed. "Sanitize" remove HTML/XML-Tags from a given string if not escaped. It can be configured in the tobago-config.xml. If you want to write your own sanitizer, you have to implement org.apache.myfaces.tobago.sanitizer.Sanitizer. Use sanitize=never to deactivate this.

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