Tobago Demo



New implementation of paginators

Since Tobago 5.15.0 and 6.7.0 there are new Paginator tags. You can use them to define the paginator by using the new attribute paginator. Possible values are
  • auto automatically select an paginator
  • custom render no paginator, the paginator will be provieded explicitly as tags
  • list render a list of pages
  • row render the row, it can be modified by click
  • page render the page, it can be modiefied by click
  • useShowAttributes the classic paginator for backward compatibility (deprected, will be removed in further releases)
An alternative way to define the paginator is to use the new tags tc:paginatorPanel, and inside of it tc:paginatorRow, tc:paginatorList and tc:paginatorPage. This way is much more flexible, because you can define the paginators and combinations of it in any way you like. Rows 1 to 5 of 88
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Name Orbit Period (Days) Discoverer Year
Sun - 0.0 -
Mercury Sun 87.97 -
Venus Sun 224.7 -
Earth Sun 365.26 -
Mars Sun 686.98 -
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