Tobago Demo


Sheet Column Selector

To insert a selectable column, use the <tc:columnSelector/> tag. With the selectable in the <tc:sheet/> tag, you can adjust, whether the column should show checkboxes (default) or radio button 'singleOrNone'.

Tag Library Documentation: <tc:sheet/> | <tc:columnSelector/>

Column Selector

The first column in this sheet contain radio buttons. After clicking the submit button, the number of the selected row is displayed in the output field.

<tc:sheet value="#{sheetController.solarList}" var="object" selectable="singleOrNone" rows="2" state="#{sheetController.sheetState}"> <tc:columnSelector disabled="#{object.disabled}"/> <tc:column label="Name"> <tc:out value="#{}"/> </tc:column> ...
Name Orbit Period (Days) Discoverer Year
- 0.0 -
Sun 87.97 -
Sun 224.7 -
Sun 365.26 -
Sun 686.98 -
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