Tobago Demo


Sheet Filter

Filtering is not a explicit feature of the sheet. It is done in the controller.

To add filtering components to the header of a sheet, use <f:facet name="header">.

Warning: Paging currently doesn't work with filters!

Tag Library Documentation: <tc:sheet/> | <tc:column/>


Add a search string to the input field or change the value of the dropdown boxes to filter the sheet. If an input field lost focus the filtering will be executed.

NameOrbitDistance [1000 km]PeriodDiscovererYear
Sun - 0 0.0 -
Mercury Sun 57910 87.97 -
Venus Sun 108200 224.7 -
Earth Sun 149600 365.26 -
Mars Sun 227940 686.98 -
Jupiter Sun 778330 4332.71 -
Saturn Sun 1429400 10759.5 -
Uranus Sun 2870990 30685.0 Herschel 1781
Neptune Sun 4504300 60190.0 Adams 1846
Pluto Sun 5913520 90800.0 Tombaugh 1930
Moon Earth 384 27.32 -
Phobos Mars 9 0.32 Hall 1877
Deimos Mars 23 1.26 Hall 1877
Metis Jupiter 128 0.29 Synnott 1979
Adrastea Jupiter 129 0.3 Jewitt 1979
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