Tobago Demo


Sheet Static Header

There are several ways to display the header. For simple column headers, use the attribute label of <tc:column>. For more complex header which span over columns and/or rows please go to the Sheet Multi Header section.

Tag Library Documentation: <tc:sheet/> | <tc:column/>


A sheet with six rows. The name of the columns is set by the label attribute.

<tc:sheet value="#{sheetController.solarList}" var="object" rows="6"> <tc:column label="Name"> <tc:out value="#{}"/> ...
Name Orbit Period (Days) Discoverer Year
Sun - 0.0 -
Mercury Sun 87.97 -
Venus Sun 224.7 -
Earth Sun 365.26 -
Mars Sun 686.98 -
Jupiter Sun 4332.71 -
Rows 1 to 6 of 88
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Scrolling Header

A sheet with ten rows and a maximal height of 500px. The header is scrollable.

To get a scrolling header, you have to set a maximal height and the width of all columns must be calculated automatically.

<tc:sheet value="#{sheetController.solarList}" var="object" rows="10"> <tc:style maxHeight="500px"/> ...
Name Orbit Period (Days) Discoverer Year
Sun - 0.0 -
Mercury Sun 87.97 -
Venus Sun 224.7 -
Earth Sun 365.26 -
Mars Sun 686.98 -
Jupiter Sun 4332.71 -
Saturn Sun 10759.5 -
Uranus Sun 30685.0 Herschel 1781
Neptune Sun 60190.0 Adams 1846
Pluto Sun 90800.0 Tombaugh 1930
Rows 1 to 10 of 88
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Header always visible

A sheet with ten rows and a maximal height of 500px. The header is static.

To get a static header, you have to set a maximal height and the columns attribute must be used to set the width of the columns manually.

<tc:sheet value="#{sheetController.solarList}" var="object" rows="10" columns="3fr 80px 20% 2fr 1fr"> <tc:style maxHeight="500px"/> ...
Name    Orbit    Period (Days)    Discoverer    Year   
Sun - 0.0 -
Mercury Sun 87.97 -
Venus Sun 224.7 -
Earth Sun 365.26 -
Mars Sun 686.98 -
Jupiter Sun 4332.71 -
Saturn Sun 10759.5 -
Uranus Sun 30685.0 Herschel 1781
Neptune Sun 60190.0 Adams 1846
Pluto Sun 90800.0 Tombaugh 1930
Rows 1 to 10 of 88
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