Tobago Demo


Sheet Tree

A tree can be added into a sheet. To do so, there are two steps which must be done. First, the value attribute of the sheet must refer to a method, which return a tree instead of a list. Second, to display the tree, use the <tc:columnNode/> tag.

Tag Library Documentation: <tc:sheet/> | <tc:columnNode/>

Column Tree

There is a tree in the first column. You can expand and collapse the items. The <tc:columnNode/> tag can contain several tags for a tree. In this example, it's a <tc:treeIndent/> to intent the single entries of the tree.

<tc:sheet value="#{sheetTreeController.solarTree}" var="solarObject" showRoot="true" showRootJunction="true"> <tc:columnNode label="Name"> <tc:treeIndent/> <tc:out value="#{}"/> ...
Name Central Body Distance Period Discoverer Year
Sun - 0 0.0 -
Mercury Sun 57910 87.97 -
Venus Sun 108200 224.7 -
Earth Sun 149600 365.26 -
Moon Earth 384 27.32 -
Mars Sun 227940 686.98 -
Phobos Mars 9 0.32 Hall 1877
Deimos Mars 23 1.26 Hall 1877
Jupiter Sun 778330 4332.71 -
Metis Jupiter 128 0.29 Synnott 1979
Adrastea Jupiter 129 0.3 Jewitt 1979
Amalthea Jupiter 181 0.5 Barnard 1892
Thebe Jupiter 222 0.67 Synnott 1979
Io Jupiter 422 1.77 Galileo 1610
Europa Jupiter 671 3.55 Galileo 1610
Ganymede Jupiter 1070 7.15 Galileo 1610
Callisto Jupiter 1883 16.69 Galileo 1610
Themisto Jupiter 7507 130.02 Sheppard 2000
Leda Jupiter 11094 238.72 Kowal 1974
Himalia Jupiter 11480 250.57 Perrine 1904
Lysithea Jupiter 11720 259.22 Nicholson 1938
Elara Jupiter 11737 259.65 Perrine 1905
Ananke Jupiter 21200 -629.77 Nicholson 1951
Carme Jupiter 22600 -702.3 Nicholson 1938
Pasiphae Jupiter 23500 -708.0 Melotte 1908
Sinope Jupiter 23700 -758.9 Nicholson 1914
Iocaste Jupiter 20216 631.5 Sheppard 2000
Harpalyke Jupiter 21132 623.3 Sheppard 2000
Praxidike Jupiter 20964 625.3 Sheppard 2000
Taygete Jupiter 23312 732.2 Sheppard 2000
Chaldene Jupiter 23387 723.8 Sheppard 2000
Kalyke Jupiter 23745 743.0 Sheppard 2000
Callirrhoe Jupiter 24100 758.8 Sheppard 2000
Megaclite Jupiter 23911 752.8 Sheppard 2000
Isonoe Jupiter 23078 725.5 Sheppard 2000
Erinome Jupiter 23168 728.3 Sheppard 2000
Saturn Sun 1429400 10759.5 -
Pan Saturn 134 0.58 Showalter 1990
Atlas Saturn 138 0.6 Terrile 1980
Prometheus Saturn 139 0.61 Collins 1980
Pandora Saturn 142 0.63 Collins 1980
Epimetheus Saturn 151 0.69 Walker 1980
Janus Saturn 151 0.69 Dollfus 1966
Mimas Saturn 186 0.94 Herschel 1789
Enceladus Saturn 238 1.37 Herschel 1789
Tethys Saturn 295 1.89 Cassini 1684
Telesto Saturn 295 1.89 Smith 1980
Calypso Saturn 295 1.89 Pascu 1980
Dione Saturn 377 2.74 Cassini 1684
Helene Saturn 377 2.74 Laques 1980
Rhea Saturn 527 4.52 Cassini 1672
Titan Saturn 1222 15.95 Huygens 1655
Hyperion Saturn 1481 21.28 Bond 1848
Iapetus Saturn 3561 79.33 Cassini 1671
Phoebe Saturn 12952 -550.48 Pickering 1898
Uranus Sun 2870990 30685.0 Herschel 1781
Cordelia Uranus 50 0.34 Voyager 2 1986
Ophelia Uranus 54 0.38 Voyager 2 1986
Bianca Uranus 59 0.43 Voyager 2 1986
Cressida Uranus 62 0.46 Voyager 2 1986
Desdemona Uranus 63 0.47 Voyager 2 1986
Juliet Uranus 64 0.49 Voyager 2 1986
Portia Uranus 66 0.51 Voyager 2 1986
Rosalind Uranus 70 0.56 Voyager 2 1986
Belinda Uranus 75 0.62 Voyager 2 1986
1986U10 Uranus 76 0.64 Karkoschka 1999
Puck Uranus 86 0.76 Voyager 2 1985
Miranda Uranus 130 1.41 Kuiper 1948
Ariel Uranus 191 2.52 Lassell 1851
Umbriel Uranus 266 4.14 Lassell 1851
Titania Uranus 436 8.71 Herschel 1787
Oberon Uranus 583 13.46 Herschel 1787
Caliban Uranus 7169 -579.39 Gladman 1997
Stephano Uranus 7948 -677.48 Gladman 1999
Sycorax Uranus 12213 -1283.48 Nicholson 1997
Prospero Uranus 16568 -1962.95 Holman 1999
Setebos Uranus 17681 -2196.35 Kavelaars 1999
Neptune Sun 4504300 60190.0 Adams 1846
Naiad Neptune 48 0.29 Voyager 2 1989
Thalassa Neptune 50 0.31 Voyager 2 1989
Despina Neptune 53 0.33 Voyager 2 1989
Galatea Neptune 62 0.43 Voyager 2 1989
Larissa Neptune 74 0.55 Reitsema 1989
Proteus Neptune 118 1.12 Voyager 2 1989
Triton Neptune 355 -5.88 Lassell 1846
Nereid Neptune 5513 360.13 Kuiper 1949
Pluto Sun 5913520 90800.0 Tombaugh 1930
Charon Pluto 20 6.39 Christy 1978
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