Tobago Demo


Column Panel

The <tc:columnPanel/> tag creates a panel space under each column. The content may be futher information about the entries.

Panel after each row

NameOrbitPeriod (Days)
This is the content of the column panel. Here e. g. can be placed some information about each entry, in this case over the planet or moon. It was discoverd by - in the year .
This is the content of the column panel. Here e. g. can be placed some information about each entry, in this case over the planet or moon. It was discoverd by - in the year .
This is the content of the column panel. Here e. g. can be placed some information about each entry, in this case over the planet or moon. It was discoverd by - in the year .
This is the content of the column panel. Here e. g. can be placed some information about each entry, in this case over the planet or moon. It was discoverd by - in the year .
Rows 1 to 4 of 88
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Responsive with Bootstrap classes

In this example there is a cobination with the bootstrap classes to show either the discoverer and the year as a column, or on small displays in the panel after each row. See also the Bootstrap styling example.
NameOrbitPeriod (Days)DiscovererYear
Rows 1 to 4 of 88
  • Page 1 of 22
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