For many components, a label attribute is available, which place a label in front of the according component. With the labelLayout you can adjust this label. The following examples use an input field to show, how this works.
Tag Library Documentation: <tc:in/> | <tc:flowLayout/> | <tc:flexLayout/> | <tc:segmentLayout/>
If the labelLayout is not set, the value is 'flexLeft' by default.
<tc:in label="Input"/>
The value 'none' has the same effect as just not set the label attribute.
<tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="none"/>
The labelLayout is set to 'top'.
<tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="top"/>
<tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="flowLeft"/> <tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="flowRight"/>
<tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="flexLeft"/> <tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="flexRight"/>
The segment layout is divided in two columns. The right one is three times bigger. The 'segmentLeft' and 'segmentRight' put the label in the left or in the right column.
<tc:segmentLayout medium="3seg 9seg"> <tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="segmentLeft"/> <tc:in label="Input" labelLayout="segmentRight"/> </tc:segmentLayout>