Tobago Demo


Collapsible Popup

This page contain some examples for the collapsible concept of a popup. Please have a look at the Popup page in the components section for more details.

Simple Popup

A popup opened with the help of a controller. The popup contain a required input field. The attribute collapsedMode="absent" is set, so the 'Submit'-button outside the popup could be executed while popup is hidden. Even if the required input field is empty.

Full Server Request

Server side popup with <tc:operation/>. The attribute collapsedMode="absent" is set by default. If you press the 'Submit'-button in the popup, the popup remains open, because the server know the current state.

Client Side

For the client side popup the attribute collapsedMode="hidden" must be set. So the hidden popup is already rendered on the site. Otherwise a client side opened popup has no content.

This leads to the problem of violations of hidden content. In this case you cannot press the 'Submit'-button if the required field is empty. Even if the popup is hidden.

The 'Submit'-button in the popup will close the popup, because the server didn't know the current state.

To avoid server request, the attribute omit="true" is added to the 'Open'-button and the 'Close'-button.

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