There are several ways to validate the content of a component. In general input components have the option for validation. In the following sections, the different kinds von validation are explained.
Tag Library Documentation: <tc:sheet/> | <tc:column/>
A simple way of validation is the required attribute in some input components. The text area must not empty if the submit button is pressed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
The length of a value can be validated by the <f:validateLength/> tag. Length means the number of characters. In this example, the given string must have at least two characters and maximal four characters.
Please note, an empty string will not be validated.
The range of an integer number can be validated via <f:validateLongRange/>. In the following input field numbers from 3 to 77,777 can be added.
The range of a floating point number can be validated via <f:validateDoubleRange/>. In the following input field numbers from 0.01 to 999.99 can be added.
A value can be validated against a regex patter via the <f:validateRegex/> tag.
The value in the field must be a word character combined with a number. For example 'T3'.
It's also possible to add custom validators using the validator attribute of an input component. In this case, only the string 'Tobago' (uppercase/lowercase ignored) is accepted.
A validator check the password against the confirmation field. To get access to the confirmation field from the validator a binding with the binding attribute and the <f:attribute/> tag is created.