The accessKey attribute is available for many components like buttons, checkboxes or links. A component with this attribute is accessible by the given character. The character is not case sensitive.
Logging the accessKey can be configured by setting the category org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.util.AccessKeyLogger to log level "debug".
The usage of accesskeys is different for every OS and browser. For example, in the Windows-Firefox, you have to press 'Alt + Shift + key'. In Chrome for Mac OS X it's only 'Control + Alt + key'. A complete listing can be found at the Mozilla Developer Network.
Tag Library Documentation: <tc:button/> | <tc:checkbox/> | <tc:link/> | <tc:label/>
The accesskey is set to 'a'. Notice, that the 'A' in the label of the button has an underscore.
<tc:button label="Button AccessKey" accessKey="a">
The accesskey is '3'. Nothing is underlinded, because the value of the label doesn't contain a '3'.
<tc:button label="Button Three" accessKey="3">
The accessKey is also available for input fields. An input field will get the focus after pressing the accesskey.
<tc:in label="Input" accessKey="i"/>
<tc:textarea label="Textarea" accessKey="t"/>
For the <tc:label/> tag an accesskey can be set in combination with the for attribute.
The following example show a label which is automatically bound to the input field after that.
<tc:label value="Label" accessKey="l" for="@auto"/> <tc:in/>