Generating content with a loop can be done with the <c:forEach/> tag and with the <ui:repeat/> tag.
Tag Library Documentation: <c:forEach/> | <ui:repeat/>
The following example show three rivers with their length and average dischage by default.
You can add a new river to the list or reset the list to the default value of 'Nile', 'Amazon' and 'Yangtze'.
The rivers are displayed as <tc:box/> tags withing a <tc:segmentLayout/>.
<tc:segmentLayout medium="6seg 6seg"> <c:forEach items="#{forEachController.rivers}" var="river"> <tc:box label="#{}"> ...
In this example, the each data of a river is put in a <tc:section/>
<ui:repeat value="#{forEachController.rivers}" var="river"> <tc:section label="#{}"> ...