Tobago Demo



Tag Library Documentation

Configuration of application and page behavior

Application based

Application based configurations can be defined in /WEB-INF/tobago-config.xml in a web-application or in /META-INF/tobago-config.xml in jar libraries.

Page based

Page based configurations, which are used in the browser can be defined with the <tc:config>

Focus on error

The default behavior in case of re-rendering a page, because of error on the page is: The first error field will get the focus.

This can be switched off, with focusOnError="false".

Wait overlay delay for AJAX

Time before the overlay appears for AJAX calls.

Set with waitOverlayDelayAjax="1000".

Wait overlay delay for full requests

Time before the overlay appears for normal calls.

Set with waitOverlayDelayFull="1000".

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